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Accommodation and catering


Breakfasts will be taken in the teams' bungalows. Breakfast food will be delivered by the organisers. At the same time, the teams will also receive their takeaway lunches.


Dinners (hot buffet) will be taken in the dining room of a school located at walking distance from the Event Centre.




All the accommodation is located at the Event Centre and consists of fully equipped bungalows and "glamping" tents.


In order to optimize the accommodation, it cannot be excluded that (unless additional costs are negotiated) some accommodation units will be shared by athletes representing different federations (this could help with socialisation, that is one of the objectives of these events).


Also, all accommodation units are partly equipped with double beds (additional spare beds are present in the "dining rooms"). Therefore, please do not forget to bring your sleeping bags.


Towels are not present in the bathrooms.


More information on the website


Camping LaColline Aerial View
Camping LaColline Mobil-Home
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-14 à 13.07.12e.jpg

Entry and entries fees


Participating federations are kindly requested to notify by the 31.01.2023 (e-mail to their intention to take part in the JEC 2023, as well as the approximate size of the team. This will allow the organisers to better estimate the accommodation required.


Entries fees


The entry fees (identical for both athletes and team officials) include the accommodation (full board) as well as the entries to the competitions and the model event maps. Entries are valid only after reception of the payment.


The entry form can be downloaded here and should be sent back to


Date of Entry


from Friday 25.08 afternoon

to Tuesday 29.08 morning

before 15.04.2023

350 € per team member

before 15.06.2023

375 € per team member

later and depending on availabilities

400 € per team member

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